Results for 'Paula Andrea Grawieski Civiero'

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  1.  34
    Educação matemática crítica como um direito humano.Paula Andrea Grawieski Civiero & Ricardo Scopel Velho - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:640-648.
    Dialogar sobre a relação entre os Direitos Humanos e a educação matemática crítica é uma necessidade atual. Tal exigência se deve ao avanço de imperativos da realidade sobre a oferta educacional disponível aos cidadãos. Este ensaio teórico de cunho propositivo pretende apresentar as origens da reivindicação por educação na era moderna e o papel da educação matemática crítica no seu bojo. Ao mesmo tempo, tentaremos demonstrar que os limites atuais, tanto da efetivação dos princípios da dignidade humana, como do acesso (...)
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    Educação Matemática colorida e fora do armário.Igor Mohr & Paula Andrea Grawieski Civiero - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:602-612.
    A área da educação matemática com sua "tradicional neutralidade" gera ambientes de invisibilidade para as minorias sociais, como é o caso da comunidade LGBTQIAP+. Essa educação matemática heteronormativa oprime as pessoas que não se encaixam no padrão e propaga a discriminação. Para evitar a invisibilidade e opressão em relação a determinados grupos sociais é necessário que se trabalhe essas questões em sala de aula. O movimento da educação matemática crítica e a educação matemática para justiça social rompem com a ideia (...)
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    La falta de motivación en la declaratoria de estado guerra (conflicto armado interno) en el Ecuador.Paula Andrea Álvarez Abril & Enrique Eugenio Pozo Cabrera - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (10):e240160.
    En el Ecuador a consecuencia de varios actos de violencia ejecutados por varias organizaciones delincuenciales que lideran el país; el Presidente de la República a través de los decretos ejecutivos Nro. 110 y 111 declara el estado de excepción y la existencia de conflicto armado interno. La problemática que se analizó en el presente artículo es la falta de motivación de los decretos ejecutivos 110 y 111 emitidos por el Presidente de la Republica el 8 y 9 de enero de (...)
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  4. Poesía y memoria.Paula Andrea Dejanon Bonilla - 2010 - Escritos 18 (41):480-491.
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  5. Antonio Ungar: razonador sensible de la experiencia contemporánea.Paula Andrea Marín Colorado - 2011 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 19:11-22.
    Antonio Ungar (Bogota, 1974) has published two novels: Zanahorias voladoras (Alfaguara, 2004) and Las orejas del lobo (Ediciones B, 2006). This paper aims to analyze the two literary works, based on the relationship between abjection and revolt (Kristeva 2006 (1980), 1998 (1996)) presented in the novels. This relationship will make it possible to understand, to a great extent, the author’s esthetic proposal, as well as his position in the current Colombian literary field and his answer to the social conditions of (...)
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    Espacio social: creación dialéctica entre campo y habitus.Paula Andrea Ramírez Monsalve & Hernando Roldán Salas - 2021 - Isegoría 64:17-17.
    The following exercise start from the assumption of social space—the field of action and influence in which a series of social relations converge, which differ and distribute in the social universe formulated by Pierre Bourdieu—, and the dimensions of the social world when the principles of differentiation and distribution operate, and hypothetically, the set of properties that act from them in the social universe, to give way to practices that describe experiences, both objective and subjective, of resistance anti-violence.
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  7. La relacion entre la postura epistemologica de Los docentes Y las prácticas de enseñanza en educación superior.Paula Andrea Ceballos Ruiz - forthcoming - Revista Aletheia Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt Vol. 1, Año 2011.
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  8. Tras las claves de la reconciliación.Paula Andrea Ospina Saavedra - 2017 - In Sara Victoria Alvarado, Las ciencias sociales en sus desplazamientos: nuevas epistemes y nuevos desafíos. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina: CLACSO.
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    Math Anxiety Mediates the Link Between Number Sense and Math Achievements in High Math Anxiety Young Adults.Paula Andrea Maldonado Moscoso, Giovanni Anobile, Caterina Primi & Roberto Arrighi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  10. Austerlitz O el re-conocimento Del sí.Paula Andrea Dejanon Bonilla - 2008 - Escritos 16 (37):522-533.
    La memoria, la identidad, el reconocimiento, son construcciones que permiten sujetar al individuo a su pasado. Toda vez que éste es despojado de su identidad más primaria la búsqueda del ser queda reducida a la recolección de huellas para crear con ellas un relato que permita fijar al individuo en las palabras, las suyas y las del otro. Este es el objetivo del artículo, explorar estas construcciones a través de la novela Austerlitz del escritor alemán W. G Sebald, con la (...)
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  11. La utopía de la nación ilustrada en la novela El mudo: Secretos de Bogotá, por un bogotano (1848) de Eladio Vergara y Vergara.Paula Andrea Marín Colorado - 2013 - Anclajes 17 (1):39 - 54.
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    Un debate en torno al trato referencial: La reivindicación del derecho a la igualdad de trato y no discriminación del colectivo de desplazados por el conflicto armado interno.Paula Andrea Ramírez Monsalve - 2011 - Ratio Juris 6 (13):113-135.
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    Vindicaciones del principio de igualdad.Paula Andrea Ramírez Monsalve - 2013 - Ratio Juris 8 (16):53-76.
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    Regla de la suma para calcular probabilidades de dos o más eventos.Paula Andrea Rodas Rendón, Luz María Ospina Gutiérrez & Angela María Lanzas Duque - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  15. Ethical implications related to the use of artificial intelligence in the generation of academic research.Paula Andrea Usquiano Yepes, Lina María Valencia Gallo, Diana Marcela Botero Zuluaga & Edier Adolfo Giraldo Jiménez - 2025 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 32.
    O objetivo geral deste artigo se concentra em abordar, a partir de uma abordagem holística, as implicações éticas relacionadas ao uso da Inteligência Artificial, doravante IA, na geração de conteúdos acadêmicos. Três elementos-chave são abordados neste artigo: um estado da arte sobre as IA de maior demanda no âmbito acadêmico atual; as implicações éticas vinculadas ao plágio, à originalidade e à fraude; e, por fim, a caracterização das ferramentas de monitoramento de conteúdos acadêmicos gerados por IA. A pesquisa se enquadra (...)
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    Obtención y caracterización de la oleoresina del ajo (allium sativum).Melvin A. Durán Rincón, Paula Andrea González Patiño & Leonardo Cardona Pareja - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Diseño y construcción de un adipómetro digital.G. Nieto, Carlos Eduardo, Luz Estela Valencia Ayala & Paula Andréa Villa Sánchez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Modelo de programación para integrar producción, inventario y ventas en empresas industriales.Luz María Ospina Gutiérrez, Paula Andrea Rodas Rendón & Marcela Botero Arbeláez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Din'micas de gênero e migração: jovens mulheres rurais e esvaziamento do campo no norte de Minas Gerais.Deborah Dias Pereira, Jaqueline Da Silva Teixeira, Ana Paula Glinfskói Thé & Andréa Maria Narciso De Paula - 2019 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 21 (2):37-46.
    O êxodo rural brasileiro compreendeu um processo de grande magnitude desde o seu início, onde, em comparativo, poucos países experimentaram fluxo migratório tão intenso, tendo em vista a quantidade absoluta da população atingida. Uma das características encontradas nos movimentos migratórios brasileiros se estabelece na diferenciação por sexo. Estudos apontam que as mulheres migram mais do que os homens, além do fluxo migratório se caracterizar cada vez mais pela saída de jovens do campo. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo se propõe a (...)
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  20. El concepto de “familia” en el derecho colombiano visto a través de las sentencias de la corte constitucional que reconocen derechos de las parejas Del mismo sexo.Juliana Victoria Ríos, Richard Marino Ordoñez & Paula Andrea Ceballos Ruiz - forthcoming - Revista Aletheia Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt Vol. 1, Año 2011.
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    Acciones afirmativas. Políticas en pugna con la discriminación que develan estructuras hegemónicas de sometimiento.Dora Cecilia Saldarriaga Grisales & Paula Andrea Ramírez Monsalve - 2015 - Ratio Juris 10 (20):115-138.
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    Modelo de Calidad de Software.Luz Estela Valencia Ayala, Paula Andréa Villa Sánchez, S. Ocampo & Carlos Alberto - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Observatorio para el monitoreo de variables físicas y fisiológicas en niños y adolescentes en edad escolar.Luz Estela Valencia Ayala, Paula Andréa Villa Sánchez, G. Nieto & Carlos Eduardo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    A educação de superdotados na educação matemática crítica.Heloísa Gabriela Paterno, Kauane Ferrari Luiz, Larissa Hang & Paula Civiero - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:731-740.
    O presente artigo deriva de uma pesquisa qualitativa de cunho propositivo que busca levantar questões relacionadas à diferenciação e os atendimentos voltados para estudantes com Altas Habilidades ou Superdotação, à luz da educação matemática crítica. Para tal, é necessário compreender a definição, características, dificuldades e necessidades educacionais dos educandos com altas habilidades. Dentre estas necessidades estão o estímulo intelectual, o contato com pares, menos tempo em espera e desafios à altura de seu nível cognitivo, fatores que implicam na premência da (...)
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  25. Exploring a Model Role Description for Ethicists.Paula Chidwick, Jennifer Bell, Eoin Connolly, Michael D. Coughlin, Andrea Frolic, Laurie Hardingham & Randi Zlotnik Shaul - 2010 - HEC Forum 22 (1):31-40.
    This paper provides a description of the role of the clinical ethicist as it is generally experienced in Canada. It examines the activities of Canadian ethicists working in healthcare institutions and the way in which their work incorporates more than ethics case consultation. The Canadian Bioethics Society established a Taskforce on Working Conditions for Bioethics (hereafter referred to as the Taskforce), to make recommendations on a number of issues affecting ethicists and to develop a model role description. This essay carefully (...)
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  26.  27
    My son/daughter beyond the suicidal: search for meaning of life.Paula Guimarães Guerreiro, Andrea Seixas Magalhães & Mayla Cosmo Monteiro - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):42-59.
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    Meu/minha filho(a) para além do suicida: busca por sentido na vida.Paula Guimarães Guerreiro, Andrea Seixas Magalhães & Mayla Cosmo Monteiro - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):43-61.
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    Populismo: ¿izquierdas y derechas?Paula Andrea Biglieri - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 25 (1):5-24.
    El artículo parte de la discusión actual sobre si la proliferación de los así denominados populismos de derecha invalida o no la tesis de Laclau de que el populismo es un tipo de articulación que puede dar un sentido emancipatorio a la iniciativa política. Dicho debate que se ha presentado fundamentalmente bajo la oposición binaria populismos de derechas frente a populismos de izquierda tiene a dos voces contrapuestas, las de Fassin y Mouffe, que el texto se propone revisar, desde una (...)
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  29. Preliminary study of subfossil chironomid community at a lagoon of northern Patagonic steppe.Andrea Paula Rizzo - forthcoming - Laguna.
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    Crítica de libros.Paula Diaz Romero, Andrea Rodríguez-Prat, Maria Medina-Vicent, Carlos Gómez, Mª Teresa López de La Vieja & Juan Carlos Sánchez Antonio - 2019 - Isegoría 60:341-365.
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    A pilot qualitative study of “conflicts of interests and/or conflicting interests” among canadian bioethicists. Part 1: Five cases, experiences and lessons learned. [REVIEW]Andrea Frolic & Paula Chidwick - 2010 - HEC Forum 22 (1):5-17.
    In this pilot qualitative study 13 clinical bioethicists from across Canada were interviewed about their experiences of conflicts of interest and/or conflicting interests in their professional roles. The interviews generated five composite cases. Participants reported being significantly impacted by these experiences both personally and professionally.
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    A pilot qualitative study of “conflicts of interests and/or conflicting interests” among canadian bioethicists. Part 2: Defining and managing conflicts. [REVIEW]Andrea Frolic & Paula Chidwick - 2010 - HEC Forum 22 (1):19-29.
    This paper examines one aspect of professional practice for bioethicists: managing conflicts of interest. Drawing from our qualitative study and descriptive analysis of the experiences of conflicts of interest and/or conflicting interests (COI) of 13 Canadian clinical bioethicists (Frolic and Chidwick 2010), this paper examines how bioethicists define their roles, the nature of COIs in their roles, how their COIs relate to conventional definitions of conflicts of interest, and how COIs can be most effectively managed.
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    Health technology assessment : ethical aspects.Dario Sacchini, Andrea Virdis, Pietro Refolo, Maddalena Pennacchini & Ignacio Carrasco de Paula - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (4):453-457.
    “HTA is a multidisciplinary process that summarizes information about the medical, social, economic and ethical issues related to the use of a health technology in a systematic, transparent, unbiased, robust manner. Its aim is to inform the formulation of safe, effective, health policies that are patient focused, and seek to achieve best value” (EUnetHTA 2007). Even though the assessment of ethical aspects of a health technology is listed as one of the objectives of a HTA process, in practice, the integration (...)
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    Demografia e religião nos últimos 30 anos: uma análise de conteúdo da Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População.Paula Miranda-Ribeiro, Raquel Zanatta Coutinho, Rodrigo Caetano Arantes & Andréa Branco Simão - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (36).
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    (1 other version)Applicability of a Novel Attunement Instrument and Its Relationship to Parental Sensitivity in Infants With and Without Visual Impairments.Victorita Stefania Vacaru, Andrea Urqueta Alfaro, Nadia Hoffman, Walter Wittich, Micky Stern, Heather J. Zar, Dan J. Stein & Paula Sophia Sterkenburg - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigated the applicability of a novel instrument to assess parent–child attunement in free play interactions, in dyads with an infant with and without visual impairments. We here report the findings on the reliability and applicability of the newly developed Attune & Stimulate Mother–Infant 56-items Instrument in two separate samples: one with infants with VI and one with typically sighted infants. In addition, we assessed the contribution of parental sensitivity to attunement in dyadic interactions. The A&S M-I is an (...)
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    Litígios intermináveis: uma perpetuação do vínculo conjugal?Ana Lúcia Marinônio de Paula Antunes, Andrea Seixas Magalhães & Terezinha Féres-Carneiro - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 31:199-211.
    O presente trabalho focaliza o fenômeno dos longos litígios em Varas de Família, com o objetivo de discutir a inscrição do judiciário na trama conjugal. Ressalta-se que alguns casais, mesmo após o divórcio, ficam aprisionados numa dinâmica de repetição que atua por meio do litígio, representado nas ..
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    Corrigendum: Risks for Child Cognitive Development in Rural Contexts.Maria Julia Hermida, Diego Edgar Shalom, María Soledad Segretin, Andrea Paula Goldin, Marcelo Claudio Abril, Sebastián Javier Lipina & Mariano Sigman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Risks for Child Cognitive Development in Rural Contexts.Maria Julia Hermida, Diego Edgar Shalom, María Soledad Segretin, Andrea Paula Goldin, Marcelo Claudio Abril, Sebastián Javier Lipina & Mariano Sigman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    While poverty all over the world is more typical and extreme in rural contexts, interventions to improve cognition in low socioeconomic status children are for the most part based on studies conducted in urban populations. This paper investigate how poverty and rural or urban settings affect child cognitive performance. Executive functions and non-verbal intelligence performance, as well as individual and environmental information was obtained from 131 5-year-old children. For the same level of SES, children in rural settings performed consistently worse (...)
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    Communicating BRCA research results to patients enrolled in international clinical trials: lessons learnt from the AGO-OVAR 16 study.David J. Pulford, Philipp Harter, Anne Floquet, Catherine Barrett, Dong Hoon Suh, Michael Friedlander, José Angel Arranz, Kosei Hasegawa, Hiroomi Tada, Peter Vuylsteke, Mansoor R. Mirza, Nicoletta Donadello, Giovanni Scambia, Toby Johnson, Charles Cox, John K. Chan, Martin Imhof, Thomas J. Herzog, Paula Calvert, Pauline Wimberger, Dominique Berton-Rigaud, Myong Cheol Lim, Gabriele Elser, Chun-Fang Xu & Andreas du Bois - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):63.
    The focus on translational research in clinical trials has the potential to generate clinically relevant genetic data that could have importance to patients. This raises challenging questions about communicating relevant genetic research results to individual patients. An exploratory pharmacogenetic analysis was conducted in the international ovarian cancer phase III trial, AGO-OVAR 16, which found that patients with clinically important germ-line BRCA1/2 mutations had improved progression-free survival prognosis. Mechanisms to communicate BRCA results were evaluated, because these findings may be beneficial to (...)
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    Sofrimento e psicologia de si em Nietzsche.Wander Andrade de Paula - 2024 - Cadernos Nietzsche 45 (2).
    The aim of this paper is to discuss the status of the “personal” character of Nietzsche’s philosophy, taking as a starting point his late reflections on suffering, especially in the prefaces of 1886 and in Ecce homo. Initially, a contrast is presented between two extreme interpretations regarding the allegedly autobiographical character of his thought, the one of Lou Andreas-Salomé and the other of Paul Loeb (1); more moderate solutions than previous ones are analyzed, especially those of Werner Stegmaier and Michael (...)
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  41. Procedural Democracy, the Bulwark of Equal Liberty.Nadia Urbinati & Maria Paula Saffon - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (3):0090591713476872.
    This essay reclaims a political proceduralist vision of democracy as the best normative defense of democracy in contemporary politics. We distinguish this vision from three main approaches that are representative in the current academic debate: the epistemic conception of democracy as a process of truth seeking; the populist defense of democracy as a mobilizing politics that defies procedures; and the classical minimalist or Schumpeterian definition of democracy as a competitive method for selecting leaders.
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    Philosophy and Religion in Plato's Dialogues.Andrea Nightingale - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    In ancient Greece, philosophers developed new and dazzling ideas about divinity, drawing on the deep well of poetry, myth, and religious practices even as they set out to construct new theological ideas. Andrea Nightingale argues that Plato shared in this culture and appropriates specific Greek religious discourses and practices to present his metaphysical philosophy. In particular, he uses the Greek conception of divine epiphany - a god appearing to humans - to claim that the Forms manifest their divinity epiphanically (...)
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    El Coloquio por los 50 años de SADAF.Federico Penelas - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (Especial):9-12.
    La celebración del quincuagésimo aniversario de la Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico se dio en el marco, como es usual en estos casos especiales, de la realización de una edición extraordinaria del tradicional Coloquio Anual de la institución. Para tales fines, la Comisión Directiva conformó un Comité Organizador, del cual tuve el honor de formar parte junto con Leandro Giri, Nicolás Lo Guercio, Andrea Melamed, Danila Suárez Tomé, Damián Szmuc y Paula Teijeiro. Desde el inicio pensamos que el (...)
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    Introduction: Special Section on Recent Photography Theory: The State in Visual Matters.Jennifer Bajorek - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (7-8):155-160.
    This introduction to a special section on ‘Photography and the State’ reflects on trends in photography theory exemplified in essays by Jens Andermann, Ariella Azoulay, Andrea Noble, and Bronwyn Law-Viljoen. It suggests that the contributors make a powerful argument for photography’s emergent contribution to theories of the state and of sovereignty. It situates this work in the context of a growing body of scholarship (by theorists such as Natalia Brizuela, Paula Cortés-Rocca, Clare Harris, Chris Pinney, and Karen Strassler) (...)
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    (1 other version)Jenseits von Reden.Dirk Ludigs - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 9 (2):79-88.
    So heftig und kontrovers wie der von Patsy L’Amour LaLove, einer an der HU Berlin promovierten Geschlechterforscherin, herausgegebene Essayband (Beißreflexe, 2017) wurde seit langer Zeit kein (wissenschaftliches) Buch mehr diskutiert. Es drängt sich der Eindruck auf, dass die sich selbst als aktivistische »Polittunte « verstehende Herausgeberin offensichtlich den Zeitgeist eines mit sich selbst strauchelnden Queerfeminismus getroffen habe: Solch eine Vielzahl an mehr als nur leidenschaftlichen Reaktionen allerlei Couleur konnte eine in erster Linie akademische Anthologie mit Texten zur aktuellen Verfassung der (...)
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    Améliorer le Leadership Dans les Services de Santé au Canada: La Preuve En Oeuvre.Terrence Sullivan & Jean-Louis Denis (eds.) - 2012 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Building Better Health Care Leadership for Canada explains the development and implementation of the Executive Training in Research Application program. Managed and funded by the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation in partnership with the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Nursing Association, and the Canadian College of Health Care executives, EXTRA is a two-year national fellowship program that uses the principles of adult learning theory as well as practical projects to educate senior health care leaders in making more consistent use of (...)
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    Subjective reports of stimulus, response, and decision times in speeded tasks: How accurate are decision time reports?Jeff Miller, Paula Vieweg, Nicolas Kruize & Belinda McLea - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):1013-1036.
    Four experiments examined how accurately participants can report the times of their own decisions. Within an auditory reaction time task, participants reported the time at which the tone was presented, they decided on the response, or the response key was pressed. Decision time reports were checked for plausibility against the actual RTs, and we compared the effects of experimental manipulations on these two measures to see whether the reported decision times showed appropriate effects. In addition, we estimated the amount of (...)
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    Re-enactment and service-learning in the environment of the Spanish Civil War.Rafel Sospedra Roca, Paula Jardón Giner, Isabel Boj-Cullell & Francesc Xavier Hernàndez-Cardona - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:187-208.
    Historical re-enactment is an emerging social practice in the knowledge society, and it helps us better understand aspects of the past and heritage. The knowledge gained through historical recreation contributes to the construction of quality citizenship. The deepening of democratic values requires that educational systems commit to the promotion of critical citizenship. Service-learning constructively develops experiences that connect science, education and society. Our research describes a systematized praxis of historical recreation. It has been developed by university students, and it has (...)
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    From Contact Relations to Modal Operators, and Back.Rafał Gruszczyński & Paula Menchón - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (5):717-748.
    One of the standard axioms for Boolean contact algebras says that if a region __x__ is in contact with the join of __y__ and __z__, then __x__ is in contact with at least one of the two regions. Our intention is to examine a stronger version of this axiom according to which if __x__ is in contact with the supremum of some family __S__ of regions, then there is a __y__ in __S__ that is in contact with __x__. We study (...)
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    Desegregation Stalled: The Changing Gender Composition of College Majors, 1971-2002.Su Li & Paula England - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (5):657-677.
    Gender segregation in baccalaureate degree fields declined rapidly in the first half of the period from 1971 to 2002; at the same time, women's representation among baccalaureate degree recipients increased most rapidly relative to men's. The desegregation of the early period resulted mainly from women's increased entry into business-related fields and declining proportions of women majoring in traditional fields such as education and English. Men did not contribute to integration by moving toward fields numerically dominated by women. Fixed-effects regression models (...)
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